Sunday, February 15, 2009
Monsters in the Dark- Lil Fingers
Angel! Look Out ! - British Council Short Stories
Cold Planet - British Council Short Stories
The School Run - Cbeebies
The Moon and the Rabbit - Cbeebies
Curoius George - Sinking Video - PBS Kids
Curous George Magnet Video - PBS Kids
The Junior Crew Kids are going to watch this video tomorrow as part of our science class. Then we are going to have some free exploration time with some magnets. This video comes from the PBS kids site and should escape being blocked by even the most sensitive servers.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Julia and the Big Wave / Kindersite
Charlie and Lola / I am Collecting a Collection/ CBeebies
On February 16th our class is celebrating 100 days of school with our Canadian blogging buddies at Room 102. During our maths sessions this week we will be making up collections of 100 objects and describing them. This story was a great introduction to collecting and classifying. The children love cheeky Lola and patient Charlie. The English accents are quite contagious in our classroom!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Woodpecker Knocking- Kid Media Music
The Junior Crew kids love listening to this song about a woodpecker that is trying to trick some bugs that live inside a tree, to let him in so that he can eat them! It is a really good introduction to Knock Knock jokes! We thought it might be a great song to learn and perform at assembly.
The Enormous Turnip - Kindersite/ BBC
This is one of my favourite classic stories. It fitted in well with our elements theme, 'Earth' because we have been talking about all the things that you would find in and under the ground. What could be better than a story about people helping each other when your country is going through the worse bush fire season in recorded history. How appropriate that the little robin is able to do his bit too and that, of course made all the difference. We hope you enjoy it too!
A Wombat Might - Kindersite
The Wishing Tree- Kindersite /BBC
Things in this story are not as they would appear from the point of view of someone on the ground. Is the tree a wishing tree or is a different perspective of the event required? This is a great story which made the children laugh and they had fun using the interactive features.
Barnaby Bear Down Under - Kindersite/ BBC
Barnaby Bear is a famous character in the UK. Our blogging buddies, Class 2 Milverton introduced Barnaby to us via their blog. He has a whole section of a the BBC website dedicated to him, if you would like to find out more about his travelling adventures.
Mr Small - A Big Day Out / Kindersite
Hi Everyone,
This is the story of what happened to Mr Small when a magic spell helped him to become big for a day. The Junior Crew kids love Mr Men Stories. Some of the children have posted a comment about what they liked or didn't like about the book. Reading what other people say about a book helps us to decide whether to read it or not. Perhaps you would like to tell us what you thought of it too.